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HK21 Tripod Adapter


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Here is an accessory you cannot live without! With RDTS HK21/MG3 tripod adapter you can put your favorite 21 or 21E on this popular tripod. We have also engineered into it the ability to use the standard HK21 stock or the HK21E stock. These stocks have different positions for the mounting ears and we have made provision for that. No modification to the weapon or the tripod and the remote trigger fire mechanism fits perfectly! Of course it helps to have the MG3/MG42 Tripod which in itself is slicker than DS. The periscope optics are pretty unique and would probably cost you $1500 alone. We see these tripods around for $400 to $700, it just depends on supply.

We machined up 50 of these HK21/MG3 Tripod Adapter Sets and have them available for immediate delivery for $350 to your door UPS! We guarantee these to be a perfect fit and will take you less than 5 minutes to install!!


Our Camo 21-EUG utilizing RDTS HK21/MG3 Tripod Adapter set.

A Black 21-EUG cooling down after a couple 100 round belts


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